Last Seen Location

You can use SpotyPal to find where was the last place you have your items with you and even more, where you parked your bike. SpotyPal will keep for [...]

2020-10-13T16:02:27+03:00October 13th, 2020|Categories: |

Find your phone

You are minutes away from leaving home and you realize that you can’t find your phome. You are looking everywhere, the couch, through your beddings and even the kitchen. Did [...]

2021-04-05T16:09:26+03:00October 13th, 2020|Categories: |

Find your missing item

How many times did you find yourself looking where your keys are? Have you ever reached for your wallet only to find out that it’s not in your pocket [...]

2020-10-13T16:00:14+03:00October 13th, 2020|Categories: |
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